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At this time, only supports {Google Chrome}, {Firefox}, {Safari} and {Microsoft Edge}.","Sport": "Sport","Sports Betting Queries": "Sports Betting Queries","Start Chat": "Start Chat","Start Playing": "Start Playing","Submit": "Submit","Support": "Support","Swipe right to activate a 24h break": "Swipe right to activate a 24h break","Sysytem cannot recieve requestd data. Please try later.": "Sysytem cannot recieve requestd data. Please try later.","Technical Issue": "Technical Issue","Terms and conditions": "Terms and conditions","Thanks for contacting us!": "Thanks for contacting us!","The Regent Review": "The Regent Review","The amount must be:": "The amount must be:","There seems to be an issue connecting to our virtual sports platform.": "There seems to be an issue connecting to our virtual sports platform.","This promotion will end in": "This promotion will end in","Top Promotions": "Top Promotions","Top played games": "Top played games","Top rated games": "Top rated games","VIP": "LOYALTY","VIP Levels": "LOYALTY LEVEL","Virtual Sports": "Virtual Sports","We cannot wait to talk to you. But first, please take a moment to tell us a bit about yourself": "We can't wait to talk to you.
But first, please take a moment to tell us a bit about yourself","We have implemented a professional customer support team ready to assist you 7 days a week from 8am to 1am CET.": "We have implemented a professional customer support team ready to assist you 7 days a week from 8am to 1am CET.","Welcome": "Welcome","Were you satisfied with the level of service I provided you on chat today?": "Were you satisfied with the level of service I provided you on chat today?","Winners": "Winners","Withdraw Queries": "Withdraw Queries","Withdrawal Time": "Withdrawal Time","You have succesfully verified your email address.": "You have succesfully verified your email address.","You will be redirected to the homepage within a few seconds...": "You will be redirected to the homepage within a few seconds...","Your Surname": "Your Surname","Your message sent successfully. Thank you for contacting us.": "Your message sent successfully. Thank you for contacting us.","Your name": "Your name"," Sports offers competitive {sport} betting odds for all [league] matches including the one for {date} featuring {match}.": " Sports offers competitive {sport} betting odds for all [league] matches including the one for {date} featuring {match}.","our upcoming promotion": "our upcoming promotion","pnp::accept_terms_text": "accept_terms_text","pnp::deposit": "deposit","pnp::deposit_and_play": "deposit_and_play","pnp::title": "title","pnp:load_funds": "pnp:load_funds","remove": "remove","see full terms": "see full terms","see full terms here": "see full terms here","share::Copy URL": "Copy URL","share::Page URL copied to clipboard": "Page URL copied to clipboard","share::Share to Facebook": "Share to Facebook","share::Share to LinkedIn": "Share to LinkedIn","share::Share to Twitter": "Share to Twitter","sport::metadesc": "metadesc","sport::metatitle": "metatitle","uk_optin_message": "uk_optin_message","userpanel::Cashout": "Cashout","userpanel::Change password": "Change password","userpanel::Chat": "Chat","userpanel::Contact": "Contact","userpanel::Deposit": "Deposit","userpanel::Deposit limit": "Deposit limit","userpanel::Games": "Games","userpanel::Help": "Help","userpanel::Login": "Login","userpanel::Logout": "Logout","userpanel::My account": "My account","userpanel::My games history": "My games history","userpanel::My rewards points": "My rewards points","userpanel::My transactions history": "My transactions history","userpanel::Reality check": "Reality check","userpanel::Register": "Register","userpanel::Responsible Gaming": "Responsible Gaming","userpanel::Rewards": "Rewards","userpanel::Self exclusion": "Self exclusion","userpanel::Welcome": "Welcome","{league} {sport} betting odds for {match} for {date}": "{league} {sport} betting odds for {match} for {date}","{league} {sport} match featuring {match} to be held on {date}": "{league} {sport} match featuring {match} to be held on {date}","{match} - {sport} Odds": "{match} - {sport} Odds","{match} Betting Odds": "{match} Betting Odds","{sport} Betting with Competitive Odds": "{sport} Betting with Competitive Odds","{sport} fans, here are’s competitive {sport} betting odds for {match}, a {league} match taking place on {date}.": "{sport} fans, here are’s competitive {sport} betting odds for {match}, a {league} match taking place on {date}."};
Hey, look at us! We’ve made it to 2022! It was been a wholly stress-filled and a battering-ram of a couple of years. It has been a discouraging and scary time, where interaction of any kind has been stalled, with stringent measures slowing down nearly every opportunity to engage in situations where there are fellow human beings involved. These measures, which were enforced by governments who, through proper science and many a magnificent brain, saved many lives, had the detrimental result of the closure of areas where people could gather and interact.
It has to be stressed though, that these measures were necessary and resulted in a formidable number of saved lives globally. People can talk about the perils of crossing the road, but that is an action that can be easily achieved by being aware. The worrying amount of opinions dedicated to the destruction of factual truths in the wake of this pandemic, has been a humiliation of humanity.