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Casino Fashion Trends for 2022

Hey, look at us! We’ve made it to 2022! It was been a wholly stress-filled and a battering-ram of a couple of years. It has been a discouraging and scary time, where interaction of any kind has been stalled, with stringent measures slowing down nearly every opportunity to engage in situations where there are fellow human beings involved.  These measures, which were enforced by governments who, through proper science and many a magnificent brain, saved many lives, had the detrimental result of the closure of areas where people could gather and interact.

It has to be stressed though, that these measures were necessary and resulted in a formidable number of saved lives globally. People can talk about the perils of crossing the road, but that is an action that can be easily achieved by being aware. The worrying amount of opinions dedicated to the destruction of factual truths in the wake of this pandemic, has been a humiliation of humanity.

There, thankfully, remains a constant throughout this humbling global debacle. Let’s be honest – no-one ever wants to look, or be perceived to be looking, bad. It is a truthful insistence that, due to the pandemic, people chose to not bother look their best, but ultimately, we all want everyone to deem us attractive, or at least acceptable looking. 
The iconic Gianni Versace, once said, “Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.” This quote is eternal and one for the ages. It possesses a particular importance and power when it comes to the sprawling cat-walk of the casino
Fashion, and one’s own personal style, can empower any individual. This self-belief and sense of strength can have a very significant result when it comes to navigating and engaging in the world of the sparkling and brightly-seductive casino. 
What follows is just a very brief and concise overview of what 2022 has to offer up in regard to what are the hottest, most popular and effective fashion trends that will colour, excite, wow and impress on those floors of the best casinos. Let’s not forget there will always exist the glamour and the glitz, regardless of the previous couple of years. The sparkle of the casino cannot be dulled. Let’s have a look at the trends that will keep it shining.


This should come as no surprise to anyone, considering what we all have had to endure over the last 24 months. Having said that, that doesn’t necessarily mean that we can’t have a bit of fun and bring in some style. If it is a desire to look instantly elegant and very cool, blue pleather or leather gloves will attract gazes and wide-eyed looks from the jealous and the impressed. It’s all about the hands. 

Bold Colour Combinations

Everyone loves a tasteful display of colours, and, after the last couple of years and its dullness, we deserve splashes of vibrancy. With interesting and brave combinations of colours, heads can be turned, attractiveness can be achieved and self-confidence can be enjoyed by mixing it up and announcing one’s own personal strength and taste. If you want to make a statement and be rewarded with impressive reactions, have some fun with your colours. 

Dresses Worn with Pants

It’s been a strange couple of years, let’s be honest. One curiosity that has emerged from this challenging time is the appreciation and embracement of wearing a dress with pants underneath. It wasn’t unheard of, but has gained traction recently, and now has become a staple of elegance with a very under-stated style. When done with taste, it can be a proper head-turner. 

Tailored Pants

We’re not talking about denim cut-offs from the Dukes of Hazzard here. This is a much more refined and tasteful article! Moving on from those testosterone-fuelled fantasies and entering the real world, the galaxy of tailored pants has brightened the skies. With the simple addition of a white or pink shirt, accompanied with a blazer, the style police will be fumbled and you will be confident and admired. 

Trucker Jacket

For the guys, the trucker jacket. It’s a staple. It’s not style. It’s just functional. Plenty of pockets. You won’t be arrested by the style police. 
That’s all this year has to offer. It’s been tough. There are a lot of people still trying to get their heads around the effects and consequences of the last two years. It will take some time to readjust and recover. But, there is one thing that we can all rely on – fashion. Whether you are in to it or take no notice of it, you are part of it. Casinos welcome the glamour and the style. And ultimately, style will never go out of style. 

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